11. Grand Prix 2004 : BRITISH Grand Prix - comment F1,Formule 1, construct, okruhy, závody, grand prix | Constructors F1

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11. Grand Prix 2004 : BRITISH Grand Prix - comment F1,Formule 1, construct, okruhy, závody, grand prix | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

11. Grand Prix 2004 : BRITISH Grand Prix - comment

L.Pecháček | 11.7.04 | Komentáře - L.Pecháček 2004

F1 Commenst L.Pecháček

Saturday's primary qualification was like comedy brimful of mistake. One racer behind second did incomprehensible mistakes, others went slowly and Montoya even in end straight braked!What did it?Anything more anything less- only feinted. Menaced rain.Racers speculated therefore in what order will start to the second qualification. They will start according to times from 1st measurement of force and those slower will go as first. And those would this catch down-and-out, while what those with best times will go last namely already it would rain and their times fended them on startup grid to the back. But this gamble went wrong. Rain menaced, but didn't. Wrong , that already not applied convention of new qualification, which had from this race stand, namely adding times from both drives. It was meanwhile postponed indefinitely.And so Kimi RÄIKKÖNEN took a drive this year first time the pole-position ( 5th total) with till now whimsical McLaren. New model MP4/19B maybe removed existing unreliability and slowness. Validated this also 6th Coulthard. Start succeeded Kimi also famous and drove up on his rival as much as 5 seconds. We went in order Kimi - Barrichello - Button - M.Schumacher - Trulli - Couthard - Sato - Montoya and Webber. After the first sweep Michael got into forefront. After second stop RÄIKKÖNEN tried even to at him attack, but in vain. He took up with 8 marks even if had in finish still reverberate attacks of Barrichello, which he would try repeat his escapade from Magny Cours. Michael Schumacher came in so for jubilee 70th win ( 10th in season) and rounded count gainted marks on 100. Trulli got over this time bad breakdown. He got off without graver harm, but his Renault was on tatters. Always increasing rates begin really warn. 



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