5. Grand Prix 2004 : SPANISH Grand Prix - Barcelona – Montmelo – Circuit de Cataluòa - comment F1,Formule 1, construct, okruhy, závody, grand prix | Constructors F1

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5. Grand Prix 2004 : SPANISH Grand Prix - Barcelona – Montmelo – Circuit de Cataluòa - comment F1,Formule 1, construct, okruhy, závody, grand prix | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

5. Grand Prix 2004 : SPANISH Grand Prix - Barcelona – Montmelo – Circuit de Cataluòa - comment

L.Pecháček | 10.5.04 | Komentáře - L.Pecháček 2004

F1 comments L.Pecháček

Whole training, qualification and race concentrated on one question: How get yourself actual sovereign Michail Schumacher? A answer was plain: Schumacher stays sovereign. It went badly him only in first qualification and drove to till 9. time. He was in free trainings on Friday and on Saturday anyway as in critical second qualification with majority the best. He drove to also excellent time 1:15,022, about 0,6 sec. better than second Montoya. Japanese Sato on 3.place was surprise with car BAR. These cars with motors Honda are evidently this year in the ascendent its performance. First team racer was however after racing mistake in qualification till 14. on start and had to struggle of starting field, which in general wasn't on track, where isn't too much places on overtaking, easy.

Start got the best Trulli from 4. starting position. It didn't get of Montoya. Trulli kept fine at the head only to first stop by boxes in 9. circuit. There were quicker mechanicians of Ferrari and Michael went from of that moment to circuit. Barrichello fell in behind his, then both Ranaults Trulli and Alonso, darling of Spanish public. They went respectively also to end. Takuma Sato vindicated honour of team BAR behind them, Button arrived 7. Total "explosion" meant race again for team McLaren-Mercedes. Already start from 10. and 13. position was foreboding. Mercedes motor-mechanicians go badly always knit maximum speed with maximum persistence. After falling-off one's or both racers in first 3 races and wretched profit mere 5 marks, this time otherwise both pilots went to end, but far behind pointed places (10. and 11.)And so Michael Schumacher could write down directly several other success:
He demonstrated at 200. start in WC 75x win, in season 5x subsequently (it succeeded in the year 1992 Nigel Mansella). In through classification of WC so direct with full of profit 50 marks before his team colleague Barrichello (32 mark) and season surprise Button 24 marks. In Cup of constructors is most satisfied Ferrari with 82 marks, Renault them has 42 and BAR 32. This they are already after first quarter of championship abysmal differences.Following race will ride in Monte Carlo and it'd may be about one's completely different, because Monaco roulette is totally no-traditional track. So we'll see! 



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