Alena Brozova, photographer Alena Brožovám, F1m formule 1, konstrukce | Constructors F1

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Alena Brozova, photographer Alena Brožovám, F1m formule 1, konstrukce | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Alena Brozova, photographer

| 9.8.08 | Alena Brožová

Alena Brozova, photographer

The photographer Alena Brozova has been interested in arts already since her youngest age. However, her way lead to a different direction at first. She graduated from a secondary Medical school and qualified as an instrumentalist in an operation theatre. She did that job for many years. In 1989 though, she experienced a breaking point. The photographer couldn't deny her craving for adventure and looked for self - realization in travelling in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa. On these travels her first photos emerged. The biggest influence though was a long time stay in the USA. An access to the professional technology as well as a special training made it possible to transform a mere hobby into a serious interest, which formed her life ambitions and creativity. She learned the basics of art photography when studying externally at the New York Institute of Photography. Her works have appeared in specialist magazines and photo collections. The author is focusing on her professional growth also after the return back home. She takes part in photography contests, publishes in the press and magazines.

            Alena Brozova depicts a unique perception of the world. The photos from both exotic places and our country can lead an attentive viewer into a mysterious world of contours and colours. Each photography tells a sort of inner story and spontaneously unveils the beauty of everyday life. 



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