Brembo ID Card - The GP of Italy 2008 Brembo, F1, Formule, 1, konstrukce, skokan roku, okruhy | Constructors F1

�e�tina English Rusky

Brembo ID Card - The GP of Italy 2008 Brembo, F1, Formule, 1, konstrukce, skokan roku, okruhy | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Brembo ID Card - The GP of Italy 2008

Brembo | 10.9.08 | Brembo karta F1

Brembo F1

The Brembo ID Card F1 of the Monza circuit, offered by Brembo, which contains some very interesting information and data about the circuit and the technical features of the braking systems (e.g. braking distances, braking times, initial and final speeds, maximum deceleration and discs temperatures).



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