FANBOOST RE-OPENS FOR PUTRAJAYA EPRIX Voting goes live one month ahead of second race Formule E, elektro, F1, okruhy, závody, gran dprix | Constructors F1

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FANBOOST RE-OPENS FOR PUTRAJAYA EPRIX Voting goes live one month ahead of second race Formule E, elektro, F1, okruhy, závody, gran dprix | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

FANBOOST RE-OPENS FOR PUTRAJAYA EPRIX Voting goes live one month ahead of second race

FIA Formula E | 24.10.14 | Aktuálně formule E

Formule E

LONDON, UK (October 24 2014) - Voting for Formula E's interactive FanBoost feature is now open - - four weeks to go before the championship's second race in Putrajaya on November 22.

FanBoost allows fans to vote for their favourite driver giving them an extra ‘speed burst' during the race, helping them to overtake or defend their position. 

The three drivers with the most votes each receive a five-second power boost per car, per driver, temporarily increasing their car's power from 150kw (202.5bhp) to 180kw (243bhp).Benoit Dupont, Formula E's sporting manager, said: "FanBoost is something that is not only unique to the FIA Formula E Championship but all sporting events as it allows fans to potentially influence the outcome of the race and to interact with the drivers rather than just watching at home. For race two, we have introduced voting in Chinese and Japanese languages with more languages available soon."Just click here to cast your vote. You can change your mind as many times as you want until voting closes a short time before the start of the race.


For more information visit www.fiaformulae.comENDS 



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