FIRST RACE PRESS CONFERENCE FOR MICHELIN AT LOSAIL MotoGP, F1, formule 1 , konstrukce, construct | Constructors F1

�e�tina English Rusky

FIRST RACE PRESS CONFERENCE FOR MICHELIN AT LOSAIL MotoGP, F1, formule 1 , konstrukce, construct | Constructors F1 Constructors F1


Michelin MotoGP Press | 19.3.16 | Pneumatiky Michelin

Micehl MotoGP 2016

Michelin held a Press Conference in the Media Centre at the Losail International Circuit in Qatar today where the French tyre company discussed its progress and laid out its plans for the forthcoming year as the supplier of the Official MotoGP™ Class Tyre.

Michelin is returning to MotoGP racing after a seven-year absence and Director of Michelin Motorsport, Pascal Couasnon, Deputy Director and Technical Director of Michelin Motorsport, Nicolas Goubert, along with Piero Taramasso, Michelin’s Manager of the Two-Wheel Motorsport Group, took the opportunity to explain the 18-month journey that the company has taken to get to the first race of the season here in Qatar. Couasnon also took time to explain the company’s decision to return to motorcycling’s premier championship and the importance of how the reintroduction of the 17-inch tyres into MotoGP will reflect in Michelin’s commercial markets and enable the French company to transfer racing technology to the road.

In front of a large audience, which included Dorna officials, team representatives and the massed ranks of the media, the three Michelin spokespersons covered many aspects of the development strategy leading up to this weekend and how the tests at the beginning of 2016 have helped with the evolution of the Michelin Power Slicks. The floor was then opened to all present and many questions were asked, and answered expertly by Couasnon, Goubert and Taramasso.

All details and information covered in the press conference can be found in the attached Press Pack which is available to download within this document. The whole press conference can also be viewed on

Pascal Couasnon – Director of Michelin Motorsport:

“This weekend is a really big weekend not only for Michelin Motorsport, but all the employees of Michelin. We have been waiting for seven years and now it is a great for us to come back and I am really delighted about it. We made the decision to return because for Michelin all forms of motorsport are really crucial to our development and it is through motorsport that we get the chance to test ideas and develop solutions, and to then prove that these solutions are correct. Working with the best riders with the top bikes was something that we really wanted to be able to do again and when that opportunity arose it was something that we believed in and wanted to be involved with. One of the big things about our comeback was how we could make the link between the track and the street, so one of the discussions we had was to bring back the 17-inch front tyre. This was very important for us, as all the sports bikes on the road have that size of wheel. So being able to learn and develop on the track and then transfer to the road was very significant for us. This is totally aligned with our philosophy and an important factor in our return. We are very glad to be back and now look forward to some exciting racing throughout the season.”



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