FORMULA E UNVEILS CIRCUIT LAYOUT FOR MIAMI ePRIX Round five to be staged around AmericanAirlines Arena along Biscayne Bay Formule E, elektro, F1, okruhy, závody, gran dprix | Constructors F1

�e�tina English Rusky

FORMULA E UNVEILS CIRCUIT LAYOUT FOR MIAMI ePRIX Round five to be staged around AmericanAirlines Arena along Biscayne Bay Formule E, elektro, F1, okruhy, závody, gran dprix | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

FORMULA E UNVEILS CIRCUIT LAYOUT FOR MIAMI ePRIX Round five to be staged around AmericanAirlines Arena along Biscayne Bay

FIA Formula E | 20.10.14 | Aktuálně formule E

Formula E

MIAMI, USA (October 20 2014): The FIA Formula E Championship - the world's first fully-electric racingseries - has today revealed the circuit location and layout for the Miami ePrix, taking place on March14, 2015.The eight turn, 2.17km circuit is located in Downtown Miami, Florida, along Biscayne Bay around thestreets of the AmericanAirlines Arena, home to the Miami Heat NBA basketball team. Produced byleading track design company Ayesa, it is the setting for the fifth race in the inaugural Formula Eseason and the first of two events in the US.Track layout 

Mayor of Miami, Tomas Regalado, said: "I'm pleased to be welcoming Formula E to Miami, the locationof the first electric single-seater race in America. We are proud to be among the elite group ofinternational cities hosting the FIA Formula E Championship."

All Formula E events take place in one-day in order to minimise disruption to the city. Formula E CEOAlejandro Agag, speaking at a press conference held at the Pérez Art Museum of Miami, said: "We'redelighted to be officially unveiling the circuit for the Miami ePrix, the host for round five of the FIAFormula E Championship. Having two races in the US is very important to us with America's richmotorsport heritage and the States being such an influential and burgeoning market for electricvehicles."The race will be organised in collaboration with experienced event company Andretti SportsMarketing. Chief Executive Officer Michael Andretti said: "I'm excited that we are serving as the eventorganiser for the 2015 Miami Formula E race. We at Andretti Sports Marketing are committed tomaking this event a world class experience and we anticipate a long and great relationship with Formula E. 




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