Golden Eye 2007 Fotosoutž, zlaté oko, F1. Formule 1m motosport | Constructors F1

etina English Rusky

Golden Eye 2007 Fotosoutž, zlaté oko, F1. Formule 1m motosport | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Golden Eye 2007

Miroslav Sanytrák | 25.2.08 | Zlatá,ý,é, řídítka,volant, oko

Golden Eye

3rd Golden Eye

From the almost one hundred photos for the Golden Eye 2007 contest, whose partner was Centrum FotoŠkoda, the jury decided for the Constellation of big and small racing cars, the author Martin Straka.

Winning Photo

2005, 2006, 2007

Martin Straka, Martin Škoda (Centrum FotoŠkoda)



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