HANERGY BECOMES OFFICIAL SOLAR PARTNER FOR FORMULA E BEIJING EPRIX Formule E, F1, závody, okruhy, týmy, sport, auto, | Constructors F1

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HANERGY BECOMES OFFICIAL SOLAR PARTNER FOR FORMULA E BEIJING EPRIX Formule E, F1, závody, okruhy, týmy, sport, auto, | Constructors F1 Constructors F1


FIA Formula E | 11.6.14 | Aktuálně formule E

FIA Formula E

HONG KONG (June 10 2014): Hanergy Solar Group Limited, the world's leading thin-film solar technology enterprise, today announced that it has become the official solar energy partner of the Beijing ePrix for the FIA Formula E Championship.

Formula E is the world's first fully-electric motorsport series competing on 10 city-centre street circuits around the world, beginning on September 13 2014 in Beijing racing around the iconic Olympic ‘Bird's Nest' Stadium. It features 10 teams, each with two drivers, and is designed to appeal to a new generation of motorsport fans, whilst increasing the interest in electric vehicles, clean energy and promoting sustainability.

For the Beijing ePrix, Hanergy will install its customised rapid deployment solar power system throughout the event area to provide part of the total energy requirements needed for the race - converting sunlight to clean solar energy with the highest efficiency under limited space, time constraints and varying weather conditions.

The rapid deployment solar power system adopts the most advanced CIGS flexible thin-film solar technology of Hanergy Solar enabling a maximum conversion rate of 20.5%. The Hanergy Solar system is also lightweight, flexible, boasts excellent power generation even in dim light, and benefits from an advanced packaging technology. 


Mr. Zhou Jiesan, Executive President of Hanergy Global Solar Power & Applications Group, subsidiary ofHanergy Solar, said: "Formula E conveyed an extraordinary idea of converging energy, environmentalprotection and entertainment in a car race, and Hanergy Solar is proud to take part in the event byproviding clean energy with our leading flexible thin-film solar technology in the world. Over the past years,Hanergy Solar, with technological innovation and R&D on customisation solutions, has been workingtogether with various business partners from around the globe to develop electric automotive powersupply, storage and the surrounding photovoltaic system applications. Hanergy Solar, as the world's numberone thin-film solar technology enterprise in terms of scale and technology, will seek further cooperationwith new-energy automotive manufacturers to promote electric vehicles." 


Alejandro Agag, CEO of Formula E, said: "We expect Formula E not only to bring excitement but also serveas a platform for R&D of electric vehicles. We are impressed by the advantages of the thin-film solartechnology of Hanergy Solar and our partnership with Hanergy Solar will be instrumental in promotingelectric vehicles and the use of sustainable and efficient electric energy. It will also raise awareness ofenvironmental protection and will thus be conducive to the sustainability of the community."

For more information on Formula E visit www.fiaformulae.com. Alternatively for further details on HanergySolar Group Limited click onto www.hanergy.com.



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