How I began F1,Formule 1, construct, okruhy, závody, grand prix | Constructors F1

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How I began F1,Formule 1, construct, okruhy, závody, grand prix | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

How I began

L.Pecháček | 1.5.04 | Komentáře - L.Pecháček 2004

F1 L.Pecháček

When I dismiss crazy boyish dreams, when I would be dustman, white reverend mister , engine-driver and traveller, I have decided after leaving examination, that I'll cantor. I studied for three years geography and natural science. Friend squad, who studied on theatre conservatory talked me, so that them followed. I thought, that I'll be actor . Then but head-producer dramatic department of radio Bezdicek offered me, so that I finished study with specialization wireless producer. I got as an assistant 750,-Kc monthly. I had to military service then evidently. I returned after two years as corporal-signalman and came to work. I did in the main programmes for children and youth. I begun also separately work on programme "Attention up to start!" about sport of children and youth.

Break was opening transmission television, in the main sporting transmission. I gone to director of sports desk Mirek Hladky, but when he said me openly what all I should know and can, I said to myself:Halt!Pr! I was no match for it yet. But after two years I bearded already again - and appear it. From 15.12.1958 I was "televisionman". We worked from the beginning everything. I commented in sum 28 type of sport. Later, when was found motorist redaction, I got her on care, but only on 3 years. I disobliged then as "non-party" yet .I could have at least along comment and concentrated on motoring. From year 1973 I expanded assortment about WC of Formula 1. Well and I stayed of that until income also few years after this. Today , when I worry middle earth 77 years, I may make use of once plentiful experiences, so unnoticed archive, in which I am looking for always something, and share about anything, what I accumulated past those years, with you.



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