Jaroslav Vetvicka Curriculum Vitae Jaroslav Větvička, F1, Formule 1 , design, konstrukce | Constructors F1

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Jaroslav Vetvicka Curriculum Vitae Jaroslav Větvička, F1, Formule 1 , design, konstrukce | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Jaroslav Vetvicka Curriculum Vitae

mirek | 29.8.05 | Jaroslav Větvička

Jaroslav Větvička

Jaroslav Vetvicka

(*23.6. 1984 Hradec Kralove)

1993 - 98 Language School Lupacova (German, English)
1998 - 2003 Grammar Schoul Na Prazacce (Bilingual German Section, Sprachdiplom II. level)
2003 - 2004 Grammar Schoul focused on art
2004 - today Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design , Transportation Design, D1 (Zlín)

other education:
1994 - 98 ILC International Language Centres, (learning English by native speakers, FCE level)
1994 - 98 painting, drawing, Art Schoul Stitneho
1998 - 2004 design, archiitecture, sculpture Prof. Ac.Sculptor Josef Sejk
1998 - today Transport Design on Czech Technical University, leading Vaclav Kral


2003 - today, cooperation with Mercedes-Benz Engineering, Ltd., Modification of car design Project of the urban minicar Teenager (scale model 1:1)
2004 - realisation of emblem for Czech Olympic Team (Athens 2004) Intership by Mercedes-Benz Design Sindelfingen, Germany (6 months)
2005 - Intership by Prof. Luigi Colaniho, Colani Design Center Germany, (2 months)Exibithions:

2002 - Roztoky u Prahy - Cars for the new century, Architectural Faculty of Czech Technical University, engeneering ndustry fair MACH ´04
2003 - International Autoshow in Brno, Autoshow Prague´03, Mercedes Benz Forum Prague, Auto Štangl Rallye Veteran Art, Architectural Faculty of Czech Technical University, Gallery of the Design Centre CR in Prague, Gallery of the Design Centre CR in Plzen Autoshow Olomouc ´03
2004 - Prague Office Park, Architectural Faculty of Czech Technical University, Auto-Štangl Rallye Veteran Art, Gallery of the Design Centre CR in Prague, exibithion of car design in Trutnov, Mercedes-Benz Development, Sindelfingen, Germany
2005 - Architectural Faculty of Czech Technical University, Art&Interior Museum of the Capital city Prague, National Technical museum, Gallery of the Design Centre ÈR in Pragu, New York, USA, Budapest, HungaryAwards:

2003 - project of the minicar Teenager was chosen on the presenation exibithion ,,Excellent Product of the Year 2003"
2004 - 1. place in design of the emblem for the Czech Olympic Team for OG Athens 04 Competition TON chair ,,Is it suitable for everybody?" (study of the Flexi chair was chosen among 5 best designs) Project of the minicar for handicaped people (Variopleg) was chosen on the presenation exibithion ,,Excellent Product of the Year 2004"
2005 - Design of the white sticks for blind people was chosen for the exibithion in New York, Design of the white sticks was chosen on the presentation exibithion Student design 2005 



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