Kapsch s.r.o. is not interested in ecology Ekologie, F1, formule 1. konstrukce, constructors | Constructors F1

etina English Rusky

Kapsch s.r.o. is not interested in ecology Ekologie, F1, formule 1. konstrukce, constructors | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Kapsch s.r.o. is not interested in ecology

Miroslav Sanytrák | 24.2.07 | Ekologie

F1 ecology

he electronic fare all over the world uses electricity supply, however the company's website shows the gates without power generators! In the Czech Republic, thanks to the possibility of avoiding the supply terms and conditions the energy for the appliances has been ensured by the liquid fuel power generators. The solution has been described as "make-do". However, according to the best Czech traditions, the make-do slowly becomes permanent and no one is too interested what was said before. Nobody seems to pay any attention to the effects of this temporary solution on the ecology. I made the effort to take a look at the working power generator with my own eyes and witnessed the blue smoke coming mightily out of the exhaust piping. Not far away I also saw an oil covered glove. During January 2007, 150 million CZK was collected and that is merely a fraction of the February's payments. The air is being polluted constantly, but nobody came up with the possibility of using part of the money to improve the environment, for example by planting trees around highways or educational programs for children. I am persuaded that this "make-do" situation needs to be finalized and part of the incomes should be devoted to ecological activities. Furthermore, I think that the responsible authorities should be aware of the situation and take steps towards the permanent solution and consider the original contracts!



Miroslav Sanytrak,
Member of The Czech Journalist Syndicate



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