Laurens Vanthoor struggles in Paul Ricard Blancpain Endurance Series , F1, formule E, | Constructors F1

�e�tina English Rusky

Laurens Vanthoor struggles in Paul Ricard Blancpain Endurance Series , F1, formule E, | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Laurens Vanthoor struggles in Paul Ricard

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Blancpain Endurance Series

The third race of the Blancpain Endurance Series was held on the magnificent Paul Ricard circuit. It was not the regular Sunday afternoon race, but an evening competition held on Saturday. Laurens Vanthoor shared the Belgian Audi Club WRT Audi with Cesar Ramos and Marc Basseng. This was not an easy run for the trio, with cruel lack of top speed on the long Mistral straight. The final outcome was an 8th place following a weekend of hard work without any just reward.

Paul Ricard, located in the south of France was the last venue prior to the Blancpain Endurance Series heading up to the Belgian Ardennes for the 24 Hours of Spa. "This was the reason why we drove partially in the dark", Laurens Vanthoor explained. "It was a good preparation, even though we still do have the official test day next Wednesday. Sadly for us the result was not what we had hoped for. Our car lacked speed on the straight, and this also compared to our sister car. It had already become obvious in qualifying and the race did not prove to be any better. It's frustrating to race like this, both for me and for the team. It's now important to discover the reason behind this problem, definitely before we travel on down to Spa. We still have a chance to compete for the championship, but in order to do so, Spa has to be a faultless race. We finished 8th in the Pro Category, so we still score some points, but even so it's not enough."
Vanthoor will be present at the Blancpain Endurance Series test day in Spa next Wednesday. Next coming weekend the Belgian reigning FIA GT Sprint champion will be competing at Zandvoort during the 3rd round of the Blancpain Sprint Series.   



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