Lotus 63 II F1,Formule 1, construct, konstrukce | Constructors F1

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Lotus 63 II F1,Formule 1, construct, konstrukce | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Lotus 63 II

Miroslav Sanytrák/ Václav Král | 12.5.05 | Historie F1 - vozy

F1 history cars

The body consisted of riveted aluminum sheets reinforced with steel and aluminum sections, the removable front part held the front wings. The two rear downpressure wings, with vertical sections that were mounted to two cross tubes, also directed the airstream towards the engine and oil radiator. The first of them was mounted behind the driver's head, the rear one leaned against the exhaust pipes holders. There was a fire extinguisher, oil tank and accumulator behind the driver's seat. There were fuel tanks on both sides. The engine was installed in frameless body, shifted 17cm to the back and 2cm to the left to gain space for the driver. The front final drive, mounted to the bodywork, also bore the steering gear and the upper arm of the wheel suspension. The rear final drive was mounted to an underframe, which also held the oil system and back wheels suspension.

Lotus 63 II

Photographies provided
Copyright © Vaclav Kral
Technical specification of Lotus 63 II (1969)
Wheel base (mm) 2 410
Track (mm) 1 500(1 475)
Fuel tanks capacity (l) 230
Length (mm) 3 600
Height (mm) 570
Width (mm) 1 880
Weight (kg) 590
Gearbox Hewland
Engine Ford-Cosworth
Shock absorbers Girling



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