NACHO CANO COMPOSES AN ANTHEM FOR FORMULA E FIA, F1, Formule 1, motorsport | Constructors F1

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NACHO CANO COMPOSES AN ANTHEM FOR FORMULA E FIA, F1, Formule 1, motorsport | Constructors F1 Constructors F1


FIA Formula E | 27.2.15 | Aktuálně formule E

Fia Formula E

LONDON, UK (February 27 2015) - Spanish musician and record producer Nacho Cano has
released a new single and anthem for Formula E.

The song titled ‘Nacho Cano Formula E Anthem' goes on sale shortly across digital
platforms in stores worldwide. To watch the music video visit -


With more than 25 million albums sold in his career with musical group Mecano,
 the best-selling group in Spanish pop history, Cano has in recent years achieved
success through his collaborations with other artists.

Cano was also selected to compose the theme songs for Madrid's Olympic bids in both 2012 
and 2016 along with the score for the European Athletics Championships in Barcelona.
He was also chosen for a special composition at the royal wedding of King Felipe VI,
Spain's newest king. 


Cano, who performed at the Gala Dinner at the Punta del Este ePrix, said:
 "Formula E is not only a high speed car race powered by clean energy. Formula E is to
the world of transportation what the iPhone has been to the world of communication.
It will revolutionise the way we live, think, and enjoy speed, and will also become
the testing ground in which the next leaps toward a better and more intelligent world will
take place." 



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