Pilgrimage places – MARANELLO. Maranello, F1, formule 1, constructors | Constructors F1

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Pilgrimage places – MARANELLO. Maranello, F1, formule 1, constructors | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Pilgrimage places – MARANELLO.

Miroslav Sanytrák | 23.6.04 | Poutní místa


At least once a year any real hard-core Ferrari fan should come to Mecca of the amazing Ferraris - Maranello. Take a stroll in VIA ABETONE INFERIORE, stop by the factory gate and perceive the mighty atmosphere. 

Ferrari Central Gate

They should bow to the ENZO FERRARI's monument,

Enzo Ferrari's Monument

See the Galeria Ferrari, which is a museum devoted to the various aspects of Ferrari, as well as some other places in the town.

Galeria Ferrari

The entrance to the Galeria Ferrari

Enzo Ferrari's workroom

A display in the Galeria Ferrari

visit clearing-house in city hall,

Maranello Town Hall

Park-like style in Marenello streets

have a coffee in MADE IN RED at the square,

Made in Red

Delicious coffee in Made in Red

A walk through Maranello should not miss the Enzo Ferrari Auditorium where you can hear concerts, see performances and watch Grand Prix Formula 1 races. 

Stop by the town's symbol made up of 16.000 pieces of stone.

Maranello Town Symbol in the town central square

Have a proper lunch in the MONTANA restaurant, or the famous CAVALLINO.

Restaurant MONTANA

Inside the Montana

Rest in Montana, take in the atmosphere

Restaurant Montana is worth seeing
See some memorabilia shops, whereas you just have to spend some money in the FERRARI STORE.

Ferrari Store

An engine in the Ferrari Store
You may spend hours in Shopping Formula 1, the attack on your credit card would be devastating. Everything from books, clothing, various souvenirs to car models. Anything you want. Charming shop assistant's smile would grow together with your shopping.

Shopping Formula 1

Inside the store

Another store

Another store
You'd better plan your trip for several days, as it is virtually impossible to see everything in one. You may get accommodation easily, lots of hotels and apartments available, early booking highly recommended.

The hotel EUROPA located in the quiet surroundings in Via Mediterraneo 11/13, literally family atmosphere, excellent accommodation, a garage available in the basement, rich breakfast. E-mail : gastone.molinari@tin.it



Traveling to Maranello with your family, supposing your female counterpart is not keen on cars, take a look at Wednesday's Maranello fair and let her browse and spend some money.

Wednesay Fair
Not far from the central Piazza Liberta square there is a beautiful church worth seeing.

The church
For more information see www.maranello.it



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