SOUTH AMERICA TV BOOST FOR FORMULA E America TV & Channel 4 Uruguay to televise live coverage of Formula E Formule E, elektro, F1, okruhy, závody, gran dprix | Constructors F1

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SOUTH AMERICA TV BOOST FOR FORMULA E America TV & Channel 4 Uruguay to televise live coverage of Formula E Formule E, elektro, F1, okruhy, závody, gran dprix | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

SOUTH AMERICA TV BOOST FOR FORMULA E America TV & Channel 4 Uruguay to televise live coverage of Formula E

FIA Formula E | 3.12.14 | Informační technologie

FIA Formula E

LONDON, UK (December 3 2014) - America TV and Channel 4 Uruguay will televise live coverage ofthe FIA Formula E Championship for the upcoming South American races in Uruguay and Argentina.

America TV, a free-to-air public channel in Argentina, will broadcast live action of the Buenos AiresePrix on January 10 2015 - alongside Channel 4 Uruguay who will air live coverage from the Puntadel Este ePrix on December 13 2014. 

Ali Russell, Director of Media at Formula E, said: "I'm delighted to announce this deal with both AmericaTV and Channel 4 Uruguay. South America is a continent with a great motorsport tradition and wewant to ensure people can tune-in to watch an exciting new series like Formula E."

Luciano Andres Foppoli, Executive Producer at America TV, said: "America TV is proud to announce itsstrategic partnership with Formula E. We share the same entertainment values and support thedevelopment of the latest electrical technologies."

Mario Uberti, Sports Manager & Producer at Channel 4 Uruguay, said: "At Channel 4 Uruguay we aredelighted with the agreement that enables us to show, on open free-to-air TV, the Punta del Esterace on December 13. We warmly welcome the future that carries with it Formula E." 

America TV & Channel 4 Uruguay join the list of previously announced broadcasters including FOXSports, TV Asahi and ITV4 who have all committed to showing coverage of Formula E races.The FOX Sports deal alone covers 88 territories around the world and a potential global audience of180 million households, whilst TV Asahi boasts a household reach of 51.4 million. ITV4 is available toalmost 26.2 million homes in the UK with an estimated weekly audience of 10.6 million. Further TVrights deals will be announced in the coming weeks.

To find out more about all the places you can watch Formula E races click here: 



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