Karel Linhart - Curriculum Vitae Karel Linhart , F1, Formule 1 | Constructors F1

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Karel Linhart - Curriculum Vitae Karel Linhart , F1, Formule 1 | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Karel Linhart - Curriculum Vitae

mirek | 19.6.06 | Karel Linhart

Karel Linhart

Karel Linhart

(*19. 10. 1983)


2003 - present Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)Faculty of Mechanical Ingeneering
2003 - 2005 Student of designer Václav Král
1999 - 2003 Secondary Technical School of Transport in Prague Masná 18, road vehicles specialization Maturita exam in Czech language, English language, Road vehicles, Repairs of vehicles, Practical exam (Theme: Transmission mechanism of Škoda Octavia 1.6)
Working experience
2002-2003 Zaøízení služeb pro MV, p.o.,car mechanic - secondary school practice
2001-2002 Autosklo Praha, s.r.o., car mechanic -secondary school practice
Design exhibitions
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Architecture, annual CTU exhibition, 2004, 2005, 2006 Retro Prague and Veteran art exhibition, 2004,2005 VŠUP v Ústí nad Labem, Výstava prací studentù designu FS a FD, 2005 Støedoèeské muzeum v Roztokách u Prahy, Výstava Václav Král èlovìk, tvùrce, uèitel, 2006Design competition
AUTOHIT and Škoda Auto design competition 2005, 3rd placeSkills
Languages: Czech: native, speakerEnglish: upper intermediate
IT skills: MS Windows, MS Office, AutoCad, Matlab, Adobe Photoshop (basic)
Special skills: Freehand sketching 



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