Tomas Valenta - Curriculum Vitae Tomas Valenta, desigm F1, formule 1 , studenti | Constructors F1

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Tomas Valenta - Curriculum Vitae Tomas Valenta, desigm F1, formule 1 , studenti | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Tomas Valenta - Curriculum Vitae

mirek | 10.2.06 | Tomáš Valenta

Tomas Valenta

Tomas Valenta

(*24th of November 1982 Opava)

Sept. 2005 - current:
Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), faculty of Electrical Engineering Pursuing Ing. degree in Computer Graphics 

Oct. 2003 - current:
Regular friday meetings at the design lessons „machine construction design" taken by Vaclav Kral; nowadays led by Stanislav Hanuš 

Sept. 2002 - July 2005:
Bachelor of Applied Informatics at Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering 

Sept. 1996 - June 2002:
Gymnasium Edvarda Beneše (grammar school), Hluèín


Czech: native speaker
English: fluent, written and spoken
Spanish: basic, written and spoken
German: basic, written and spokenDesign Competitions:

The best school magazine on the internet, 2001, first prize
Multimedia presentation „Mládí a vìdìní" by SIEMENS, 2001, third prize
AUTOHIT and Škoda Auto design competition 2005
Young Translator's prize 2006, British Council
Design Exhibitions:

- CTU in Prague, faculty of Architecture, Annual CTU Exhibition, 2005, 2006
- Retro Prague and Veteran art exhibition, 2004, 2005
- Olomouc Auto Show 2004
- Exhibition of Vaclav Kral student's design works, Teplice, 2005
IT skills:

LaTeX, METAFONT programming language for definition of script
Adobe Photoshop + tablet Wacom, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator
Gimp, Inkscape, Blender, 3d studio max
MS Windows, MS OfficeLatest design projects:

- editor and Art-director of the school magazine JAM, 2000 - 2002
- multimedia presentation of the grammar school Hluèín, 2001
- design of a Diploma for the ecological competition „Prazska Orchidej", 2002
- dancing card design, 2003
- city car BOSS, 2004
- animation of a tale SNOWFLAKES OF ARCTIC CRUELTY, 2004
- design of a title font ATOMINO, bachelor's degree project, 2005
- CLICX prototype for Škoda Auto design competition, 2005
- T-shirts drawing design, 2005
- design of a Pour Félicité card, 2006
- design of a new version of city car BOSS, 2006
- design of a car for HAVEL, 2006
- design of a fantasy scenery made out of a clay, 2006
- design of a calling card, 2006

Modern architecture, writing, animations, animated movies, art, typography, design, travelling, cars, modern technology 



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