TT Speed Week: Fifteen fold World Champion Giacomo Agostini will give a unique demonstration on his original YAMAHA racing bike during the MOTO City Racing on Friday the 27th of June. G.Agostini,TT Sped Week , F1, Formule 1 | Constructors F1

etina English Rusky

TT Speed Week: Fifteen fold World Champion Giacomo Agostini will give a unique demonstration on his original YAMAHA racing bike during the MOTO City Racing on Friday the 27th of June. G.Agostini,TT Sped Week , F1, Formule 1 | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

TT Speed Week: Fifteen fold World Champion Giacomo Agostini will give a unique demonstration on his original YAMAHA racing bike during the MOTO City Racing on Friday the 27th of June.

Archiv | 5.6.14 | Zajímaví lidé v F1

Giacomo Agostini

On Sunday the 22nd of June, during TT City Racing, and on Friday 27th of June, at MOTO City Racing,the motorbike will once again be seen in the city center of Assen. The crowd will be given a greatamount of unique motorsport demonstrations following the parcours in the heart of the city.The crowd will be granted free access alongside the bigger part of the parcours. Tribunes, a paddockand the VIP-Village are placed on several places offering a good view of the spectacular events.

On Friday the 27th of June, during the MOTO City Racing, race legend and fifteen fold world champion Giacomo Agostini will give a unique demonstration on his original YAMAHA racing bike which he usedto participate in the MotoGP this year.

Giacomo Agostini started his career in 1964 and already participated in the 350cc and 500cc on his MV Agusta next to Mike Hailwood in 1965. From 1996 until 1972 ‘Ago' won 7 continuous worldchampionships in the 500cc league and managed to win a few in the 350cc as well. He continued hissuccess in 1974 at YAMAHA where he managed to become world champion in the 350cc league inthe same year and champion of the 500cc league just a year later.

Our organization is extremely pleased with YAMAHA's successful efforts of bringing Giacomo Agostinito the city of Assen where he will perform a demonstration on his original racing bike. OrganizerRobert Heilbron: ‘The public is given a chance to witness a show of one of the biggest motor driversever. This is an experience many motor fans would die for.'

TT City Racing and MOTO City Racing are part of the TT Speed Week Assen. During the period fromSaturday the 21st of June until Friday the 27th of June the city of Assen will be all about music, danceand off course racing.Visit our website for the latest news.

Tickets will be available on Only a limited number of tickets are available. 



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