And the boys flied! F1,Formule 1, construct, konstrukce | Constructors F1

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And the boys flied! F1,Formule 1, construct, konstrukce | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

And the boys flied!

Blanca de Foronda / Formula V8 3.5 | 14.12.15 | Aktuálně

Formule V8/3.5 2015/2016

Eight of the twelve teams from the Formula 3.5 V8 are testing in the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya on a private basis. Jake Hughes (Carlin) was the fastest driver with 1.29.918. The lap times from all the drivers today were under 107% and they could have placed them in the Spanish GP grid.This morning eight of the teams from the Formula 3.5 V8 have returned to work for a two-day private practice under perfect weather conditions, with 15 drivers on track! It was the first time for both RP Motorsport cars with Sandy Stuvik y Vítor Baptista. 
Pietro Fitipaldi is also attending test with Carlin, and it was the debut in this discipline from another GP3 refugee, the German Markus Pommer, installed behind the Arden Motorsport car.Roy Nissany, today with Lotus, set the fastets lap this morning (1.30.555). As usual, times only improved at the final stages of the PM session. Jake Hughes (1.29.918) was the quickest driver in Day 1 and the only lapping below 1.30

Jake Hughes (Carlin): "The day was obviously very good, we ended fastest of the day, we don't know what the other teams are doing with the tires, but what is sure is that we have done a good job at the end. We had some problems in the morning, but finally solved, and that is what we have done. I'm very satisfied with our job and I'm enjoying a lot these days in Barcelona".

Tom Dillman (AVF): "I've already signed with the team and we are here in preps for the 2016 Season. The times are not our priority, so we've focus in different set-ups. All in all it has been a very positive journey. Today we'll concentrate in some qualy runs. I've came to win the Series with .AVF".

Pietro Fittipaldi (Carlin): "It's been a very good day we've finished in third position in the morning and fourth in the afternoon. I've only done one test with the Formula 3.5 V8, and it was on wet conditions so in fact is my first real test on dry conditions. What I appreciate more about the car is the incredible power of the engine. It's a very powerful car, what implies that is also very demanding physically. Tomorrow we are going to continue with our program, improving the car, and looking for the perfect balance".

Alfonso Celis Jr. (AVF): "It has been very productive day, especially in the morning I've got a very good feeling with the car, and I was in first position until the other drivers put new tires on their cars. In the afternoon we had some problems with the fuel pump, so we've lost some time. Then we made some changes on the set-up of the car, but due to our lack of time we didn't have a lot of time, and to be fair I'm not very happy with the changes. In summary the day was quite positive, and tomorrow we will continue working to improve every aspect of the car".

Graziano Rocca (Partner and Technical Responsible in RPM Motorsport): "We're very happy to come here and be ready to test with our two drivers because we got the material very late. We come from the F3 and it's a very important step for us to join such a professional discipline. We could have improved a little bit with new rubber but I'm really happy to have completed the programme. Tomorrow we'll try to be closer to the top in the times! 



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