Doornbos in Rotterdam in ING Renault F1 F1,Formule 1, construct, konstrukce,Renault | Constructors F1

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Doornbos in Rotterdam in ING Renault F1 F1,Formule 1, construct, konstrukce,Renault | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Doornbos in Rotterdam in ING Renault F1

Miroslav Sanytrák | 30.5.08 | Aktuality

Rotterdam’s ‘one and only’ race driver Robert Doornbos is joining forces with ING Renault F1 for ING RaceSalon on Friday August 15 and Saturday August 16 and Bavaria City Racing on Sunday August 17. Once again, the events will be a unique opportunity for the Dutch public to enjoy a spectacular race weekend. Top drivers from national and international motorsport leagues will be making an appearance in Rotterdam.

Doornbos and ING Renault F1
ING RaceSalon and Bavaria City Racing have a big surprise in store for 2008 – Rotterdam-born race driver Robert Doornbos will take the wheel of the ING Renault F1 car. “It"s great that the ING has arranged something like this, it"s a first for Dutch Formula 1 history”, says event organiser Robert Heilbron. Every year, Doornbos puts on a great show and he is a hardcore Bavaria City Racing and ING RaceSalon race hero. “It"s an unbelievable experience to be able to perform in my own home city each year”, says Doornbos.

ING has also prolonged its sponsorship of the ING RaceSalon, paving the way for the arrival of the ING Renault F1 Team to the Netherlands. “What is more beautiful than seeing this talented racer showcasing his skills in Ahoy and on the streets of Rotterdam”, says Monique Opdam, ING Communications Director.

ING RaceSalon 2008
For the second consecutive year, ING RaceSalon will be the place to be for every motorsport fan. During this interactive motorsport fair on August 15 and 16, the race world will be the centre of attention. The RaceSalon promises to be even more spectacular this year than the first edition in 2007, with more race demonstrations, more meet and greets and even more workshops on the technical side of racing. A unique opportunity for Dutch race fans to experience the race world from up close! Tickets for ING RaceSalon 2008 are available via Ticket Service and

Bavaria City Racing 2008
With the participation of the ING Renault F1 Team Bavaria City Racing promises to be as spectacular as ever. This year, Formula 1 cars will put on their show in the Dutch city of Rotterdam on Sunday August 17. A stunning programme will amaze the hundreds of thousands of visitors once again. Tickets for Bavaria City Racing 2008 are available via



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