Repsol Honda team begin working for the Czech GP MotoGP, F1, formule 1 , konstrukce, construct | Constructors F1

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Repsol Honda team begin working for the Czech GP MotoGP, F1, formule 1 , konstrukce, construct | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Repsol Honda team begin working for the Czech GP

Repsol Honda Press | 4.8.17 | Aktuálně ze světa MotoGp

MotoGp 2017

Repsol Honda team begin working for the Czech GP

Opening day of the Czech GP at Brno dawned under a steady rain, though with mild temperatures. The FP1 session was run on a full-wet track with Marc ending in P2 and Dani in P4.

Weather conditions improved over the course of the day, allowing the riders to switch to slicks and a dry setup for FP2, although the track was still a bit patchy in spots at the beginning of that session. Dani closed the day in seventh place, Marc in 10th. Neither rider fit a new tyre at the end of the session.



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