The best teams to support Formula 3.5 Series in 2016 FORMULA 3.5 SERIES IN 2016 | Constructors F1

�e�tina English Rusky

The best teams to support Formula 3.5 Series in 2016 FORMULA 3.5 SERIES IN 2016 | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

The best teams to support Formula 3.5 Series in 2016

Blanca de Foronda / Formula V8 3.5 | 1.1.70 | Aktuálně


RPM Racing, promoter of the new championship Formula 3.5 Series, has the support of the current Teams in the grid, and new teams will join the Series, like the arrival of the new Team managed by Amato Ferrari, Spirit of Race.The promoter RPM Racing is deeply involved in preps for the Series in 2016. The best structures will open a new chapter of the category that has promoted more drivers into F1 over the last fifteen years.Practically the current grid, including the reigning champion of the Formula Renault 3.5 Series, Fortec Motorsports, has confirmed their commitment with the Formula 3.5 Series. RPM Racing is in talks to other new teams in regards to a possible entry in this discipline, in addition to the announcement of the arrival of the new squad, Spirit of Race.This is the list of

Teams in alphabetical order:
Teams (Country):
Arden Motorsport (GBR)
AVF (ESP)Carlin (GBR)
Comtec Racing (GBR)
Fortec Motorsports (GBR)
International Draco Racing (ITA)
Lotus (CZE)
Pons Racing (ESP)
Spirit of Race (SUI)
Strakka Racing (GBR)
Tech 1 Racing (FRA) 


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