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Tisková informace - Adrivo.com

Miroslav Sanytrák | 13.6.08 | Aktuality


motorsport-magazin.com - For Lewis Hamilton and Kimi Räikkönen, the Canadian GP came to an abrupt end. Räikkönen and subsequent winner Robert Kubica stopped for the red light at the exit of the pit lane, but the Briton failed to notice and piled into the back of the Ferrari. Hans Joachim Stuck’s ironic take on the accident: “Surprising really because, coming from England, he should have realised you’re supposed to veer to the right to avoid a collision.”

Talking to motorsport-magazin.com, Christian Danner was even less inclined to spare Hamilton’s blushes. “That was stupid. Hamilton was party to a doubly stupidity,” he raged. “Firstly because he didn’t look up and see whether the light is on red, and secondly because his team didn’t radio him that the light is on red.” Danner is unable to understand why the teams continue to make the same mistake year after year. “It’s a mystery to me.” Hans Joachim Stuck does not share this opinion: “When you’re leaving the pit, you’ve got a lot of things on your mind: you’ve got controls to operate and you really need to concentrate. Sure it was stupid but... He may have come away empty-handed this time but there’s no way he’ll make the same mistake again. The team radio wouldn’t have saved him. From the control box, you can’t see the pit lane exit lights anyway.”

motorsport-magazin.com - As early as the winter break, Mario Theissen was already predicting a first victory for BMW Sauber. In Canada, Robert Kubica made good the promise. “This is the greatest day in my Formula One career and in the short history of our team,” a beaming Theissen told motorsport-magazin.com after the double podium in Montreal. “This was a perfect race for us,” said Willy Rampf, joining in the victory celebrations. No-one had predicted that the team’s first victory would also be a one-two. “Robert drove a fantastic race,” enthused Rampf. “As far as the team are concerned, we don’t care which of them comes out ahead. The main thing from our point of view is that we have both drivers on the podium.”

Hans Joachim Stuck was also celebrating with his former employer. “They deserved it,” he told motorsport-magazin.com. “While all the other drivers were making mistakes, BMW seized their opportunity. A victory for them was overdue this season.” Following the Canadian GP, Robert Kubica leads the drivers’ standings. “A three-horse race is perfect as far as we are concerned. Things don’t get much better than this.” Christian Danner is also of the opinion that the outcome is just what the championships needed: “All the same, the second place must have been a bitter pill for Heidfeld to swallow, because he has a car that is clearly good enough to win a Grand Prix.”



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