Tisková informace - Bravia City Racing (EN)
Miroslav Sanytrák | 8.6.08 | Aktuality
BAVARIA CITY RACING A GREAT ASSET TO ROTTERDAM Bavaria City Racing has been part of Rotterdam’s event calendar since the summer of 2005. Last year, Formula 1 cars roared through the streets of Europe’s largest port city for the third consecutive year. The organisation surpassed the public’s expectations yet again, which did not go unnoticed by the national event awards jury. As the Netherlands’ largest Formula 1 event, Bavaria City Racing was therefore announced winner of the “best city promotional event” in the category of sports.
Race spectacle wins event award for best city promotion
National Event Awards
In addition to its amusement value, an event like Bavaria City Racing is a great asset to the city of Rotterdam as a whole. Activities such as city promotion, tourism, economic spin-off, integration and a ‘city feel’ are important products of a successfully organised event. Recognising the value of events, various experts in the field initiated the national event awards to serve as an incentive and provide recognition for the branch. Bavaria City Racing was chosen as the best city promotional event in the category of sports due to its outstanding success and superb organisation. Rotterdam and Bavaria City Racing are inextricably linked. “A wonderfully appealing event, and one which is unique for the Netherlands, has been created”, according to the jury.
National and International Exposure
Formula 1 is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is unique that Formula 1 is in the Netherlands again and that a city like Rotterdam will serve as its home base once more. Each year, the Rotterdam Racing organisation generates a great deal of national and international exposure. “Our event has been televised in just about every country in Europe, and footage has also been shown on other channels including the Discovery Channel (USA), CNN (USA) and CCTV (China). It is with good reason that cities in emerging countries are racing each other to the rights for organising a Grand Prix; Formula 1 is power”, says organiser Robert Heilbron. In addition to the enormous public and media attention it generates, the promotion of Rotterdam as an international events city is one of the organisation’s main objectives.
Bavaria City Racing 2008
This year’s edition of Bavaria City Racing promises to be a spectacular event once again and – like every year – will surprise visitors with a stunning programme. Tickets for Bavaria City Racing 2008 are available via www.bavariacityracing.com.