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Tisková informace - WilliamsF1 (EN) F1,Formule 1, construct, konstrukce | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Tisková informace - WilliamsF1 (EN)

Miroslav Sanytrák | 27.1.08 | Aktuality

Sam Michael, Technical Director:
Today was an installation day for the FW30. We got through most of the items on our job list and managed to do plenty of system checks. The car is now ready for testing proper tomorrow when Nico will be driving. Overall, it was a productive first day for the FW30.

Sam Michael, Technical Director:
Today, Nico Rosberg took the FW30 out for its first official test day. After completing some further systems checks and mapping in the morning, he progressed onto long runs in the afternoon to check stabilised temperatures on the new cooling systems. No major problems were encountered, so it was a successful initial run. Meanwhile, Kazuki continued the reliability programme with the FW29B.


Sam Michael, Technical Director:
This week marked the initial test for the FW30 and it was a good beginning from a reliability and performance point of view. The car completed a full nonstop race simulation on only its second day of testing with Nico Rosberg and covered over 1,400kms during the four days. After Nico Hulkenberg shook the car down on Monday’s installation day, Nico Rosberg carried out the initial setup and reliability work and Kazuki took over for the last day to work on long runs and some set-up items. The test team are now moving on to Barcelona where Nico Rosberg and Kazuki will drive two FW30s.

Nico Rosberg:
Firstly, I need to thank all of the people in the factory for their hard work in getting the car ready. It’s always special to finally get to test the new car. It was a positive start for us, particularly as we completed a race distance with the FW30 on its debut without any problems. It is quite different to last year’s car in many ways so it will be very important that we make the most of the upcoming tests to try and extract its full potential.



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