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Tisková informace - WilliamsF1 (EN)

Miroslav Sanytrák | 28.7.06 | Aktuality

Willams & Toyota Agree Formula One Supply

27 July 2006, Oxford. WilliamsF1 and Toyota Motorsport GmbH today confirmed that an agreement was reached yesterday evening between the two parties for a three year Formula One engine supply partnership. The agreement will see WilliamsF1 powered by Toyota engines commencing with the 2007 season.

Under the terms of the agreement, WilliamsF1 will use the same specification of engine as Panasonic Toyota Racing. Both Williams and Panasonic Toyota Racing see significant benefits from a relationship based on robust on-track competition and close off-track cooperation.

On the announcement of the agreement, Toyota’s Executive Vice President Kazuo Okamoto said, "We are delighted to be supplying Williams with engines from 2007 and working alongside a team rich in history and Formula One spirit."

John Howett, President of Toyota Motorsport, added: "We are pleased to be selected as the engine provider to Williams and look forward to establish a strong relationship with them. We look forward to both teams using each other as a comparative benchmark from which each can improve its own performance and to competing with each other at the front of the grid."

For his part, WilliamsF1’s Team Principal, Frank Williams commented, “This agreement is the cornerstone of Williams’ challenge for the World Championship. Toyota is an impressive and remarkable industrial giant, with the most phenomenal reputation for achieving the goals it sets itself. We are proud to have secured their support in our efforts to return to our competitive best.”



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