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Tisková informace - WilliamsF1 (EN)

Miroslav Sanytrák | 1.10.06 | Aktuality

Sam Michael, Technical Director, WilliamsF1:
“Given that we have performed well in the dry sessions here, today’s qualifying in the wet was a disappointment. We managed to get through to Q2 and ran closer to Ferrari on the same tyres than we have for some while, but we will start tomorrow 14th and 15th and will have to see what we can do with strategy.”

Nico Rosberg (ChassisFW28 05 engine CA2006/025, 2nd GP):
“It was quite difficult out there in qualifying today. Our competitors’ tyres today were quicker in wet conditions. Where there was relatively less water on the racing line everything felt pretty good and I enjoyed myself, just like this morning when the track was dryer, but with the amount of rain we saw this afternoon, were not quick enough to make it into Q3. I hope tomorrow will be dry and we will perform better.”

Mark Webber (Chassis FW28 03 engine CA2006/029, 1st GP):
“Qualifying was no real surprise in today’s conditions. As we saw in Budapest it is not easy when the track is wet. It makes it tough for tomorrow, even if it is a dry race as there won’t be so much rubber on the circuit as we would have liked. Anyway, that’s how it is, so we will just have to give our best tomorrow.”

Simon Corbyn, Head of F1 Race Engineering, Cosworth:
“No engine problems today for either Mark or Nico. Cosworth had no driveability or traction control problems in difficult conditions.”



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