Vettel, Gené and Gutiérrez join Santander Spain volunteers in training session for San Silvestre Vallecana race SANTANDER | Constructors F1

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Vettel, Gené and Gutiérrez join Santander Spain volunteers in training session for San Silvestre Vallecana race SANTANDER | Constructors F1 Constructors F1

Vettel, Gené and Gutiérrez join Santander Spain volunteers in training session for San Silvestre Vallecana race

SANTANDER | 11.12.15 | Banka Santander

Drivers and bank employees tried out virtual reality glasses which, thanks to new generation technology which can record 360º videos, transported them to a F1 race.

Madrid, 11 December 2015. Today, Banco Santander gave 100 employees the chance totrain with Ferrari F1 drivers Sebastian Vettel, Marc Gené and Esteban Gutiérrez at theSantander Group City in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid). Some of the employees volunteer atthe San Silvestre Vallecana race which is held each New Year's Eve in Madrid and whichSantander Spain sponsors.

The drivers, employees and various trainers from the sports centre jogged 3km through ElBosque, the wooded area surrounding the City which is used for recreational and culturalpurposes, followed by other exercises and stretches.

For Felipe Martin, head of Marketing for Santander Spain "This joint collaboration withFerrari highlights Santander Spain's new sports sponsorship strategy and our commitment tohelping people every day".After the training session the drivers and bank employees tried out virtual reality glasseswhich, thanks to new generation technology which can record 360º videos, transportedthem to a F1 race.

This is the first time this technology has been used in a F1 car. Thisexciting experience was recorded from Kimi Räikkönen's car on 8 November at the FinaleMondiali de Ferrari in Mugello (Italy). 


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